5 Signs of candida overgrowth

Candida overgrowths are a common condition in chronically ill patients. Candida albicans is the most common fungal infection and can be seen in the mouth, the intestinal tract, and the vagina. In ideal amounts, candida can actually benefit the microbiome by aiding with nutrient digestion and absorption. The problem is when it overgrows as it can destroy the lining of the intestinal tract contributing to leaky gut, immune over-stimulation, and autoimmune issues.


How do you know if you have candida overgrowth? Some lifestyle choices or medical treatments can create a terrain within the body ideal for an overgrowth. These include:


  • A diet high in sugar and refined, white flours

  • Prescription hormones such as the birth control pill

  • Antibiotic use

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • High-stress lifestyle


Although signs of candida overgrowth can match others commonly seen with chronically ill patients, there are 5 signs that can suggest an overgrowth:


  1. Intestinal Distress. If you experience a lot of belching, flatulence, diarrhoea and/or constipation, or cramping, candida overgrowth may be the culprit. This usually happens because there are not enough good bacteria to counteract the overgrowing fungus. In cases such as these, getting rid of a candida infection while improving the microbiome can help to alleviate symptoms and bring the gut back into balance.

  2. Skin and Nail Fungal Infections. Persistent athlete’s foot or fungus growing under the skin comes from the same strain of candida and may be a sign of a systemic infection.

  3. Brain Fog or Inability to Concentrate. Candida overgrowth can definitely cause a decrease in concentration and memory along with poor physical coordination.

  4. Chronic Fatigue. As candida can invade cells, it can also decrease mitochondrial function. (Your mitochondria are the energy producers of the cell). Therefore, just like any other overgrowth, candida can definitely cause chronic fatigue.

  5. Frequent Sinus Infections. Post-nasal drip, congestion, and seasonal allergies may all be a sign that candida is overgrowing in your body.


The good news is that there are things you can start doing today to combat a candida infection. These include:

  1. A low-carbohydrate diet. Candida feeds on sugar and anything that becomes sugar in the body. In fact, if you have intense sugar cravings, Candida may be responsible for this. Therefore, cutting out foods like sugar, refined white flours, flour in general, bread, pasta, rice, and white potatoes is a great way to cut off Candida’s food source. Eating a plant-rich diet with 8 cups of vegetables per day along with organic protein sources and good fats like avocados and olive oil is the ideal place to start in order to ward off a candida infection.

  2. Balance the Gut Microbiome. In addition to a plant-rich diet which feeds the good guys of your gut, it is also important to replenish the gut with good bacteria. In the case of candida, taking a multi-strain probiotic that also includes saccharomyces boulardi (a beneficial yeast that replaces Candida albicans), can help to rebuild the microbiome and decease Candida overgrowth.

  3. Caprylic Acid. This is a naturally occurring substance in coconut oil that has very strong anti-fungal properties and has been shown to help with Candida overgrowth. Taking coconut oil may not be sufficient, so a caprylic acid supplement in higher doses is recommended.

  4. Oregano Oil. Oregano oil along with thyme oil, grapefruit seed extract, and garlic oil along with killing parasites, can also be very effective in stopping a candida infection.

  5. Sleep well and Decrease Stress. When our emotional well-being is disrupted, this further enhances a leaky gut and any infection that the body is trying to fight. Therefore, making sure we limit stress throughout the day by exercising, deep breathing, or engaging in activities that make you happy will help you to fight infection more effectively. Also, sleeping gives the body the strength and the tools it needs to fight an infection, therefore, aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep daily.


It is important to note that if there is, in fact, a candida overgrowth to address, it is important to first address any other overgrowths that are happening in the body. The reason for this is that if there are other overgrowths still present, this creates the ideal terrain for another candida overgrowth. Therefore, to avoid ongoing fungal infections, make sure to work with your naturopath or functional medicine practitioner to deal with each infection in the correct sequence.

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