Ten Reasons to Consider Colonic Irrigation

Colonic irrigation or hydrotherapy is an important part of all our programs here at Neomed. A cleansed colon can significantly transform your digestive health in particular when combined with restorative therapies. But what can an unattended colon lead to? We have listed ten great reasons to address the health of your bowel and consider booking colonic irrigation.


  1. A cleansed colon lowers your risk of developing bowel cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

  2. Poor nutrition, chronic stress or an imbalanced gut microbiome can all contribute to the build-up of toxic waste in your colon, colonic irrigation can help clear this waste.

  3. A toxic colon can lead to halitosis (bad breath) and affect the health of your teeth and gums.

  4. A toxic colon can cause acidosis which can detrimentally affect the health of your bones and can directly cause joint inflammation and pain.

  5. Toxic waste left in the colon will putrefy, cause gas, and can disturb the natural elimination action of the colon which long term can cause motility issues, constipation and haemorrhoids.

  6. Colonic irrigation can eliminate abdominal bloating and contribute to weight loss.

  7. When your bowel contains impacted waste it can disturb your mental function and left long term lead to long term disease affecting your brain function.

  8. A cleansed colon can improve the health and vitality of your skin and hair.

  9. Colonic irrigation can improve your immune system function.

  10. If you suffer from allergies, your symptoms can be improved by cleaning the colon of the buildup of toxic waste which can contribute to allergic response...


As beneficial as they are, colonic irrigations are not for everyone and there are contraindications for partaking in this therapy. A full medical history should be taken by your therapist before booking this treatment and care taken with your choice of the clinic as medical supervision of this therapy is preferable.


If you would like to know more about Colonic Irrigation or book a session here at Neomed in Cyprus please get in touch by using the form below:

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