Weberneedle Laser Therapy

Weberneedle Laser Therapy in Cyprus

Weberneedle is a low-level laser therapy that transfers light to the blood through fibre optic energy to stimulate leucocytes and the immune system. It also increases oxygen bonding capacity and blood supply thereby regenerating the body. Weberneedle is effective in the treatment of degenerative brain injuries, the post-treatment of strokes, Parkinson's, migraines, vertigo and tinnitus. It also benefits microcirculation, muscle pain and spasms, muscle cramps, arthritic pain and the dermatological therapy of chronic wounds.

Weberneedle Laser Therapy

Weberneedle is a low-level laser therapy that transfers light to the blood through fibre optic energy to stimulate leucocytes and the immune system.If you would like to find out more about our Weberneedle Laser Therapy, please fill out the form below.